What I learned this weekend  

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This weekend has been a little crazy for me and my family. My girls have no clue how bad things are at home. I have started to tell them that I can't afford to buy certain things and feed the whole neighborhood like they are used to but they don't seem to get it. With the economy the way it is, it has been hard to find a second job and a first job for the guy I am with. We try and do our best with everything we can. This Christmas, gifts will be home made and from the heart. This weekend I learned that my girls are spoiled and need a quick swift kick in the butt of reality when it comes to how poor we truly are. ($30 for food for 4 of us for 2 weeks)!! I have two pets that need us to take care of them as well and we are going to be just fine because I will find a way to support my family and make sure that life is status quo.

My girls are amazing and we love to dance and just have fun. My oldest has friends who love spending time with me (an adult) which I thought was strange. But today we were watching a movie while my oldest was outside. It feels good to know that I am doing a good job if her friends like me. :-)

Seems silly but it is important for me. They are important to me and I want to keep them as young as I can for as long as I can. I want them to be happy and enjoy their childhood. I want to be the kind of mom that exposes them to culture and how to give back. The question is how do I go about that the best way for little money!!

Any ideas?

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