Momsrising - Medical Care for our children  

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I was recently sent an email from a co-worker about a group who work hard for us mothers and making sure that we are taken care of (Momsrising). I joined the site and started following them closely. I responded to a post they had about healthcare for children last year and here is what has been going on. There is more so please read my other posts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julia Goodman []
Sent: Tue 7/29/2008 11:17 AM
To: Santiago, Megan
Subject: Megan Santiago: Follow-up on Your MomsRising Healthcare Comment


I wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your personal experience with children's healthcare coverage. Your story (which I've posted at the end of the email, to refresh your memory) is powerful -- and very effective in helping secure healthcare coverage for other kids. Thanks!

Personal stories like yours caught the attention of legislators and their staff members when we delivered over 500 comments from MomsRising members last month. Since stories are so effective, we will continue to highlight these personal experiences in the coming months.

In mid-August, MomsRising members will deliver a large color booklet featuring healthcare stories like yours to California legislators. We would love to include yours along with a photo. To be included, please provide us with a photo by August 4th.

To share your photo, please send me any file up to 2 MB and in the .jpg, .gif, or .png format. Don't feel obligated to post a photo of your children's faces -- feel free to share any picture that represents your family.

Also, can you tell me a little bit more about what kind of health insurance your girls had during 2007 when you were working through the temp agency? Were they able to qualify for MediCal or Healthy Families? I just want to make sure I understand your story so we can use it to expand healthcare for all kids in California!

We also have a new way for you to share your story -- and possibly even involve your kids. We are sponsoring a summer video contest for kids and their parents to make videos to raise the awareness of Californians that almost 800,000 kids in California have no healthcare. We'll use these videos to show lawmakers that real Californians of all ages care about our smallest and most vulnerable inhabitants. We thought your story was so compelling -- it would be great to have it in a video, too!

Click here to get more info about the video contest:

Your Story:
"I moved back to Tustin, CA in December 2006 after leaving a man who had been abusive and the marriage was falling apart because we could not get along. I was looking for work and needed to make enough money to support me and my two girls. While I was waiting I was on medical but I did not want to stay on for long because I felt others needed it more than me. In February 2007 I got a job through a temp agency and I looked for medical. I made $62 above the max for Cal Families and when I looked into other plans, I could not afford to pay the costs to get insurance on my own. During 2007, my oldest daughters teeth got really bad and started to hurt her a lot and I could not do much to help her with the pain. During 2007, a bill was presented to President Bush in which he denied that would have helped me and my girls obtain the much needed medical and dental. During 2007, I prayed nightly so that we would not get really sick. Finally, in December of 2007 I was hired on at the company I had been temping with and started us on the healthy path. But the damage of 2007 has hit us hard. Myself and my oldest have dental work needs that cost around $6000 after the insurance's portion through an HMO. My oldest daughter is finally on her much needed medication but at the cost that she may be held back a grade because she is not where she needs to be. The year 2007 was a struggle for me, but 2008 will be so much harder for me and MY GIRLS. We could have used the help last year that would have prevented what we are faced with now!! I am scared of how I will not have the funds to take care of their needs because everything costs so much for me. Please stop and take a look around and really listen to those of us who are just barely getting by. We are the ones that want our children to have their needs met and struggle because we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Please stop and listen to our children who don't see the struggle we go through because we are strong women, but who suffer because they lack the proper education, the proper medical, the proper dental, and more but are still great kids because they never truly understand that they are lacking because as a strong mother we cry when they are asleep!"

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thanks again for sharing your story!

All the best,

p.s. If you'd like to see other stories like yours, visit our website page:

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